Moving Made Easy: Getting Settled
Moving represents a period of change and fresh starts. Creating a sense of home in your new space will take time, but with simple steps and practices the transition can be a whole lot smoother.
If possible, plan to visit your new home at various times of day. Take this opportunity to assess lighting needs and experience how sunlight behaves in the different spaces of the home. Arguably, lighting is the most important element in creating the feel of each and every space…and it will influence your choice of paint colours too. Also, take lots of measurements. This will help avoid “surprises” when placing furniture items. You’ll be able to plan in advance what works where, and be able to instruct movers exactly where to place your furniture.
Don’t underestimate the power of following a pre-move edit - you’ll save yourself time and space while packing as well as only bringing what you truly want or need to your new home. Be sure to pack your belongings in clearly labelled boxes, this way all your belongings end up in the right place for a simpler unpacking experience. Finally, try to anticipate your future needs for organizing and setting up your new home.
EDITING: If you followed a pre-move edit you’re most likely in good shape, but as you unpack you may realize some of the “maybe’s” turned into “no’s”. Take this opportunity to edit again! You’ll be left only with items you love or need - making implementing organizational systems that much simpler!
When moving day arrives…
Clean the house first, if possible.
Start with necessities, ie. your “essentials” boxes - medication, soaps and toiletries, cleaning and paper products, garbage bags, essential tools, electronics, etc.
Move and place large furniture items.
Install any closet and organizational systems and line shelves/drawers before you unpack so you can put away “your stuff” in their correct places.
Bring those clearly labelled boxes to their designated rooms.
Begin unpacking with the rooms you need the most - we suggests bathrooms first (you’ll need a place to get clean), bedrooms (you’ll be tired), then the kitchen (gotta eat), followed by living, dining, and utility spaces.
TIP: Break down boxes as you go! It will save time and avoid cluttering a room full of empty boxes when you’re trying to tidy-up and organize.
Make sure to mentally prepare yourself as well - anticipate any problems and plan in advance. Understand that at the end of the day if you forget something or a piece of china gets chipped in the move, it isn’t the end of the world… it’ll save you stress, should a problem arise.
Moving creates change and breaks routine… you’re in a new space, a new neighbourhood, maybe a new city or even a new country! Expect and plan for disruptions in routine. Take time for YOU. We suggest 30 minutes each day dedicated to something you love or that makes you feel good - call a friend, go for a walk, or cook your favourite meal. Be sure to get out and get acquainted with your new “hood”. Find a local coffee shop, locate the nearest grocery stores and pharmacies, or explore the downtown (if there is one). Start or get back into routines ASAP! The sooner you begin, the sooner your new place will feel like home.
Unsure of where to begin? Need help implementing lasting systems? Our home organization services offer a hassle-free way to get you settled. Send us a message to turn your new house into your home!